
What a Week!

2012.8.18 11:40am ~ 2012.8.25 17:40pm: What a week!

It is speechless for what I had felt every minutes during this week. I should fight for words to go through every trace in my memory, but I'd rather not to. Whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must be silent.

Life takes where it takes, it used to be, it will always be.


Forbidden Love

未曾想,三年后,再度与德剧“Verbotene Liebe"不期而遇,1995年始播的它,长寿到迄今已有四千多集,实在难以想象。

贵族、豪宅、美女、爱情、友情、亲情...不外乎此等元素,也很狗血的story line,美则美在女主角恋情尘埃落定前彼此之间的化学作用,暗流汹涌之余火花四射。而且节奏够慢,old fashion到我几乎以为不是这个世纪的产品。

三年前是Carla和Hanna, Carla和Stella,三年后是Marlene和Rebecca,碎梦千千,尽付其中...