
Stages of Grief —— Grey's Anatomy S06E01

My favorite show "Grey's Anatomy" is coming back, which might decorate the thick cloud in my sky with a tiny silver lining. Looking back, it has accompanied me going through 2 autumns -- 2 melancholy seasons. Looking forward, it will help me to go through another one, as I wish.

The premiere show of this new season talks about the 5 stages of grief. I saw how my "virtual" friends went through the five stages of grief over a span of 40 days. I was touched, and couldn't help but thinking which stage I've been and how I deal with the grief in my own way.

According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, the 5 stages are:
  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargain
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance
I had been through all these 5 stages last year, starting with denial from last June, ending with acceptance in last December. Ironically, just when I thought it would be like that forever, a new circle start over from the begining of this year. This time, the loss is even huger, the sorrow is even sharper, the pain is more unbearable, the despair is more severe, the struggle is even harder......

Now, where am I? Can I finally reach the ultimate stage?
