3 facets of morality:
- moral feelings: emotions like shame, condemnation, pride, righteous anger, affection, caring, being upset if an injustice is to be done, empathy (to feel what others are feeling) etc.
- moral judgments: notions like something is good or bad, fair or unfair.
- moral action
- kin selection:Selfish genes lead to altruistic animals
- cooperation
- Evaluation
- Obligation
- Sanctions
- an ethics of autonomy: rights, equality, freedom.
- an ethics of community: duty, status, hierarchy, and interdependence.
- an ethics of divinity: purity, sanctity, pollution and sin.
- Deindividuation of self: There is a sense of reduced accountability and shifted attention away from the self that occurs in the context of groups. That is so-called diffusion of responsibility. The famous case is Milgram's conformity study.
- Denigration of others:
- Keep psychological distance or physical distanceDistance
- Use euphemism (‘cargo’, ‘extermination’) to think about you not as a person
- Use humor to denigrate and demote people
- Take away their names
- See them as disgusting can make others matter less
- Contact and interdependence:
- Perspective taking: