
Justice 听后记(3)

第六讲:Motives and Morality

此讲,Sandel介绍了哲学家Immanuel Kant关于自由和道德的观点。

首先,自由是与必然相对的,换言之,所谓自由,即你的行动必须是完全自主的,你必须是跟据自己的自由意志,自己设定的规则来行动,而不是被自身的本能、欲望所驱策,不是受限于独裁者的法律,不是被环境所限制的,也不能是被他人诱导的。也就是说,autonomous 和heternomous的区别,为自由确定了界限。

也因此,对kant而言,自由和道德产生了联系。他认为道德不应该取决于行为的后果,而应该取决于初始的意图和行为的动机。也就是说,行为的道德价值,取决于行为的动机是基于自主选择的责任义务所在,还是基于自身的利益计算。Kant 认为,doing the right things for the wrong reason,不属于道德的范畴.

  • 关于reason, 你必须仔细区分categorical v.s hyperthetical imperatives: 其中,Kant也给出了两套规则加以区分categorical imperatives
    • the formular of universal law
    • the formular of humanity as ends
  • 关于motive,你必须仔细鉴别duty v.s. inclination
  • 关于freedom,你必须根据意愿、决断来界定autonomous v.s heteronomous.
有且只有一种行为,出自categorical imperative的reason, 自主选择的,基于责任而触发的,才是道德的。

听的时候,我不可避免得想起当初和你关于intention和effect的讨论,想起你曾引用的一句话:“A path to hell is paved with good intentions", 我不禁疑惑,究竟是intention更重要,还是effect更重要?我们是否可以因为good motive而不去计较或者原谅bad effect?我们是否可以因为good effect而不去计较bad motives?如果是Kant,他又会如何反驳这句话呢?


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第七讲:Lying and Principles

According to Kant, white lie is not moral. However, there is moral disticntion between outright lie and carefully evasion from truth, because the latter shows a certain homage and the elemantary respect to the diginity of the law of moral.

According to John Rawls, the principle of justice are the princples that we would all agree to if we were choosing rules for our society and no one had any unfair bargaing power. Based on this, an agreement is only fair when it is made both voluntarily and against a background of equality.

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