
100 Tears Away

I want to go ahead and cry hard, but I'm frozen.
I want to give in to the madness to feel joy and sadness again, but I'm scared to death.
I want to find an answer, but I can't even think.

I wish I would believe:
All of the happiness I seek
All of the joy for which I pray
Is closer than I think
It's just 100 tears away.

But I know I'm a long way from some place I feel safe. And there's a place in my heart, the loneliness and sadness are so much that even you can't soothe.

I love you so, I'm willing to take any chance to be with you as long as you can love me back. But we are not longing for the same, I dare not to believe: this time things will be different, this time we can make it.

I don't know how, how I've lived till now, how I will live in the future. I don't know how, how to set my heart free...

How I wish: If only you are just 100 tears away......
