

off the beaten track: 偏僻地,在人迹罕至之处,不落俗套
We will make a particular effort to draw attention to articles and meetings that are “off the beaten track” .

knee-jerk: 1.膝反射的 2.下意识的自动反应,不加思索
a knee-jerk reaction, answer etc is what you feel or say about a situation from habit, without thinking about it.
In almost every human society, people share a knee-jerk revulsion for certain substances.

post-hoc: 因果关系的,前后必然的
I suppose we could speculate that it was a post-hoc effort to make it seem as if the situation he had encountered was more dangerous and threatening than it turned out to be, thus justifying an arrest.

contrarian: 与他人意见相反的人;与现行说法相悖的
Perhaps you're right, though the contrarian in me will continue to maintain that one of the two men was a civilian in his own home and the other an on-duty police officer.
