

今天看豆友翻译转载的一篇意剧Terapia d'Urgenza的评论"Marina and Esther and "the kiss" ,作者试图阐述一个观点:“关于爱情的表述,其实有若干创意方式,没必要千篇一律,一定要以符号化画面--吻来象征爱的开花结果。”一些非符号化画面,因为一点点留白,因为画面背后暗涌的情潮,因为无限的遐想空间,其实更感人更震撼。譬如:“Drinking from somebody else’s coffee cup and the intimacy it implies or having someone touch someone else’s lips with their fingertips, taking away both their breath and yours, are images that may be more telling and more touching than a liplock ......


这几天屡次听到当年送你的"over and over",那是一首犹太民歌,被Nana Mouskouri改编成英文歌曲,在我听来,曲美情深,歌词整体恰恰能精妙传达彼时自己与你重逢再相知的喜悦之情感恩之心,偏偏纠于细节的我又因为其中一句歌词的不够贴切而踌躇忐忑,犹豫着是否应该送你,费时良久终于做出最后的决定。如今反刍当时之心情,对比现在之情境,难免唏嘘,悲难自抑。时光飞电,歌是人非,情何以堪!

Over and Over

I never dare to reach for the moon
I never thought I'd know heaven so soon
I couldn't hope to say how I feel
The joy in my heart no words can reveal

Over and over I whisper your name
Over and over I kiss you again
I see the light of love in your eyes
Love is forever,no more good-byes

Now just a memory the tears that I cried
Now just a memory the sighs that I sighed
Dreams that I cherished all have come true
All my tomorrows I give to you

Life's summer leaves may turn into gold
The love that we share will never grow old
Here in your arms no words far away
Here in your arms forever I'll stay
