
英语点滴 —— April 17th

quant: 理学专家(数学模型设计者);designer of mathematical models;
Derman, a physcist and financial risk engineer, is perhaps the best known "quant".

swot: 刻苦用功; someone who spends too much time studying and seems to have no other interests - used in order to show disapproval

ten years of sweat and swot: 十年寒窗

wonk: 书呆子,死读书的学生 —— swot
Policy wonk: 政策游移分子
Lord Giddens’s reputation among policy wonks (as well as an endorsement from Mr Clinton) will propel it onto shelves in high places.

meritocracy: 知识界精英;
Does meritocracy shade toward fascism?

sui generis: 独树一帜,独特的
He argues that Oakeshott requires us to systematically discard programmes and ideologies and view each new situation sui generis.

below the belt:不公正的,不正当手段的;
Her remark was a bit below the belt.
to hit someone below the belt = to stab someone in the back: 暗箭伤人

He was sent on a State Department-funded world tour in 1956, seducing potential pinkos with his improvisations.
