
Snippets of Poet —— 《Possession》

They say that women change   
Tis so   
but you are ever-constant
in your changefulness   
like that still thread from the falling river   
one from source to last embrace in the still pool   
and ever renewed  
and ever moving on   
from first to last   
a myriad of water droped   
and you-   
i love you for it-   
are the force that moves that holds the form


What are they who haunt our dreams
and weaken our desires...   
and turn us from a solid face...   
And in the depth of wintery night
they slumber open-eyed and bright.   
Who keeps a secret
safer than a friend
Whose silent sympathy
lasts without end.   
In no rush of action
this is our doom.   
To live a long life out
in a dark room.


I cannot let you burn me up 
nor can I resist you
No mere human can stand in a fire   
and not be consumed.


I have been angry for so long
with all of us
And now
near the end
I think of you again with clear love 
Did we not?   
Did you not flame
and I catch fire?   
Was not the love that we found
worth the tempest that it boomed
I feel it was
I know it was.   
If you are able or willing, please
send me a sign that you have read this 
I dare not ask if you forgive.
