

seat-of-the-pants: 直觉的、凭经验的
1. Based on or using intuition and experience rather than a plan or method; improvised:
"A new short-story collection takes Stephen King back to the form that gave him his seat-of-the-pants start."
2. Performed without using instruments: a seat-of-the-pants landing of the aircraft (飞机的无器械着陆).


at stake: 危如累卵,危险
in danger of being lost. About 3000 jobs are at stake if the company moves to another state.

bona fide: 真诚地,真实的

nouveau riche: 暴发户 (=new money)
people who have become rich recently and who buy expensive things in order to show people how much money they have.

old money: 富家出身(从定义可知"三代才能培养一个贵族"的话是由来有自的,看来品味是要靠财富、时间堆出来的,是有共识的)

drag queen: 男扮女装
A Drag queen is usually a man who dresses (or "drags") in female clothes and make-up for special occasions and usually because they are performing or entertaining as a hostess, stage artist or at an event.

The term drag queen originates in Polari, a subset of English slang that was popular in some gay communities in the early part of the 20th century. Drag meant "clothes", and was also theatre slang for a woman's costume worn by a male actor. Queen refers to the trait of affected royalty found in many drag characters.

Prix fixe: 客饭,和菜;客饭或和菜的定价.
1. A complete meal of several courses, sometimes with choices permitted, offered by a restaurant at a fixed price.
2. A fixed price charged for such a meal.

bite the bullet: 咬紧牙关忍受痛苦;硬着头皮顶下去
To face a painful situation bravely and stoically.
