
Some learning from the 2008 election

The 2008 US presidential election finally has an ending story. I have never cared about it, however, I did read quite a few posts about it since the day I decided to open my eyes to this world. Here are very few learning from them:

spin-doctor: 公共关系顾问; 在90年代成为一个宣传媒介的流行用语。通常采用虚伪的,极具欺骗性的,巧妙篡改事实的技巧来打造政治人物形象。UK最有名的spin doctor 就是Tony Blair的首席智囊Alastair Campbell.

spin room: 政府新闻发布会会议室。

snake-oil: 万金油;蛇油起源中国,是治疗关节疼痛的一种药,后逐渐衍生成为一种贬义词,专门用来指那些在市场上被宣传为具备神秘治疗功能的万能药,而且成分神秘难知。

snake oil peddler: 显而易见是指招摇撞骗的“江湖郎中”了。

mawkishness: 多愁善感,无病呻吟,感情用事。

在Obama的获选演说中,有几处用典,buses in Montgomery、the hoses in Birmingham、a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." 我原本和很多人一样以字面意思去理解并轻轻放过,若不是和菜头此帖加以说明,还真不知背后有如此丰富故事,可见生而有涯,学无止境。

beatnik: 垮掉的一代。来源于beat generation, 最早于1948年由作家Jack kerouac发明,beat是beanten down或downtrodden的俚语,代表了由骗子、小偷、瘾君子和妓女等组成的社会底层。
