

看豆瓣,登录后的主页,根据自己以往浏览的历史推荐了love story的电影,忘了以前是否看过该电影了,点进去随意看看,看到其简介中提到片中的一句对白:“Love means never having to say you are sorry”在70年代曾成为西方情侣传颂不衰的金句。心里象被巨锤猛得敲击了几下: Really? If I have to say sorry, really truly sorry to someone I really love, does that mean it is not real love to some extent?! If so, how sad I am!

看一本英文原版书,the main topic is discussing how to face the hardest questions of the heart: when does love cross the line of moral obligation? 看的过程,的确是an inspired meditation on love, a sensitive exploration of the balance of love. 有时候,看到一些语句,感慨丛生,思绪不知不觉就会被扯得很远,只是绕来绕去绕不过一个坎. Sometimes, just want to shout out the same questions to the wind:

“Why something that felt so incredibly right could be undeniably wrong? Do you know what it’s like to know the only way you can be happy is if you make everyone else’s life miserable?”
