在遭遇爱之前,就知道在任何一段relationship之中,devotion的比例其实在某种程度上决定了胜负输赢进退,如果将其比喻成一场两个人之间的战争,the more you devoted, the more odds you lose, the more you are hurt. 两个灵魂之间的漫舞,要至行云流水之境地,舞步非和谐不可,devotion的percentage似乎也该match。
一直以为自己的观点透着点斤斤计较的市侩味道,不是还有人说过“情到深处无怨尤”吗?到了掰着指头盘算percentage的时候,到了计较输赢受伤与否的地步,这样的爱还是true love吗?可是,这世上,谁又不想有一段successful relationship?谁又没有保护自己的本能呢?那,是不是该讲究点finesse, tactic? 还是一味的投入,不计后果,赴汤蹈火,在所不惜?The one who choose the latter without any hesitation, have you really loved someone before? Have you been hurt ever? If yes and you still choose it, I admire your courage.
“Then you’re the one.”
“The one what?”
“The one who loves more. You know it’s never fifty-fifty in a relationship. It’s always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. Someone falls in love first. Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. Someone works very hard to keep things rolling smoothly; someone else sails along for the ride.”
So, how about you? Are you the one who fell first? Are you the one who would do anything to keep it the way it was at the beginning? Are you the one devoted more?